2016 Call for nominations for the IMBER Scientific Steering Committee
The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER, www.imber.info) project is soliciting nominations for three new members for its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The IMBER SSC is responsible for the development, planning and implementation of science with the goal to: Understand, quantify and compare historic and present structure and functioning of linked ocean and human systems to predict options for securing or transitioning towards ocean sustainability. To meet this goal, our new Science Plan and Implementation Strategy (SPIS 2016-2025, still in review and thus only available from imber@imr.no) is developed around three Grand Challenges focusing on climate variability, global change, and human drivers and stressors. The qualitative and quantitative understanding of historic and present ocean variability and change (Grand Challenge I) are the basis for scenarios, projections and predictions of the future (Grand Challenge II). These are linked to understanding how humans are causing variability and changes, and how they in turn are impacted by the feedbacks between the human and ocean systems (Grand Challenge III). More information about the SSC is available at: http://www.imber.info/index.php/About-IMBER/Scientific-Steering-Committee-SSC/SSC-Members.
We are seeking nominations of individuals with expertise in the areas of:
- marine sustainability science
- marine policy/governance science
- integrated modelling of social and marine ecological systems
- biodiversity/adaptation science
- communication (ocean literacy)
The IMBER SSC and the project’s sponsors - the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR) and Future Earth - will appoint the new members for a three-year term. Selection is based on expertise relative to existing SSC members, relevance to IMBER’s goals, and geographic and gender balance.
Details about the nomination package can be found in IMBER2016Call_SSC_Nominations.
Please send nominations to the IMBER International Project Office (imber@imr.no) by Monday, 23 May 2016.