This book is about the way women’s lives and gender relations within the world’s fisheries are being shaped by globalization. The collection combines short, focused articles taken from Samudra and Yemaya, publications of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), with research done by activists and academics from around the world. The short articles give voice to the concerns of fisheries workers while the regional and national case studies scrutinize the links between changes in fisheries associated with globalization and the experiences of women who depend upon fisheries. They also address larger theoretical, cultural and social justice issues related to gender, globalization and fisheries.

This edited collection is one product of a three-year Research Development Initiative entitled Gender, Globalization and the Fisheries in the New Millennium, an innovative Canadian contribution to an international series of multidisciplinary and intersectoral research, policy and action initiatives. The initiative began in 2000 and was led by a steering committee consisting of Barbara Neis (Canada), Nalini Nayak (India), Siri Gerrard (Norway), Maria Cristina Maneschy (Brazil), Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir (Iceland) and Marian Binkley (Canada).



The Community-University Research for Recovery Alliance (CURRA) was a 7-year (2007-2014) research program of innovative, interdisciplinary research projects related to helping communities and organizations along Newfoundland’s west coast develop strategies for the recovery of fish stocks and fishery communities.

Centered at the Bonne Bay Marine Station in Norris Point, NL, the CURRA brought together researchers from the social and natural sciences and fine arts at Memorial University in St. John’s and Sir Wilfred Grenfell College in Corner Brook in working partnerships with numerous stakeholders and community organizations.

The long-term objectives of the CURRA include promoting community engagement with the Station, promoting and diversifying the research community affiliated with the Station and training researchers in collaborative, community-based research approaches.