SSF Stewardship



Building on the foundation set by this cluster’s earlier work in the Stewardship Working Group (see e-book here), our proposed ongoing activities will focus on further synthesizing a global view of small-scale fishing impacts and contributions of small-scale fisheries (SSF) to conservation and stewardship. This dual approach will allow us to provide needed information on the relative magnitude and types of impacts from various types of SSF gear, while also highlighting the actual and potential role of SSF communities in the stewardship of fisheries resources and marine ecosystems.


Rapid Assessment of Relative Impacts of SSF Fishing Gear

Understanding the relative impacts of various types of SSF fishing gear, as compared both within SSF and against industrial fishing gears, is vital for effective management of these fisheries. This component of the SSF Stewardship cluster will conduct a rapid assessment of the relative collateral impacts of gear types, based on a ‘damage schedule’ rating template similar to the work of Chuenpagdee et al. (2003).  “Collateral damage” includes habitat impacts (physical and biological), bycatch (though the notion of “bycatch” in SSF will require some clarification), and other issues of concern (e.g., capture of juvenile fish). Ultimately, we aim to develop strategies, in collaboration with SSF fishing communities, researchers and practitioners, on how to mitigate these impacts. We encourage researchers, practitioners and fishers around the world to use the rating template and help with the assessment. Each fishery assessed will become an individual contribution to the e-book that we will compile, and which will later use in a comparative analysis and a global synthesis.


SSF Communities as Stewards.

Small-scale fishing communities are, and can be, active partners and leaders in the stewardship and conservation of aquatic and marine resources. However, these efforts do not necessarily fall under formally recognized categories of management, and thus might lack full support from policy and institutions concerned with ecosystem governance. The vision for this research cluster is to more fully investigate the role of small-scale fishing communities in stewardship, including area-based approaches and beyond. This will allow us to describe and communicate the contribution of these communities to management and conservation in a way that guides support from legal instruments, institutions, and research. Ultimately, we aim to share this information among diverse small-scale fishing communities to promote interest in and ideas for stewardship initiatives. We invite everyone to help document these stewardship practices, using the guiding questions below. Contribution to this aspect of the cluster will be compiled into a journal special issue..

For more information on participation in this cluster please scroll down to “How to contribute” section. 


In accord with the dual approach presented above, the specific objectives of the cluster are:

1. Conduct a rapid assessment of SSF gear impacts using the “damage schedule” rating template;

2. Develop a synthesis of relative impacts of SSF gear and compare them with those from industrial fishing gears;

3. Develop impact mitigation strategies in collaboration with small-scale fishing communities and managers;

4. Identify and assess types of stewardship in which small-scale fishing communities are engaged;

5. Understand how these stewardship initiatives are developed and implemented, and what conditions and actions foster (and hinder) stewardship; and

6. Raise the profile of SSF stewardship so that it is better recognized and considered in management decision-making.

Research questions

1. SSF gear impact

a) What are the relative impacts of different types of SSF gear as compared to other SSF gear?

b) What are the relative impacts of SSF gears as compared to industrial fishing gears?

c) What strategies can be employed to mitigate SSF gear impacts?


Rapid assessment of SSF gear impact on bycatch and habitat

We are currently conducting the ‘Rapid assessment of SSF gear impact’ on bycatch and habitat. The aim is to provide a global assessment between small-scale fishing gears, also in comparison with large-scale fishing gears. All contributions will be acknowledged and incorporated in the Information System on Small-Scale Fisheries (ISSF), with interactive web-based, open access maps, showing relative values of SSF around the world.

To find out more about the assessment and to contribute your data, download the Rapid assessment of SSF gear impact templateThe completed template should be sent to as an attachment.

For a snapshot of the upcoming TBTI paper where we asses the varying impacts of small- and large-scale fishing gears on habitat and bycatch, click HERE


Small-scale, smaller footprints?


2. SSF Stewardship

a) What types of stewardship do small-scale fishing communities engage in? And what notions of “stewardship” are found among these communities?

b) What are the objectives of stewardship and what process by which this stewardship emerges?

c)  How effective are different types of stewardship at meeting these objectives? What are enabling factors and obstacles?

d) How can stewardship be better supported by policy instruments?


Rapid assessment of SSF stewardship activities 

We are currently conducting the ‘Rapid assessment of stewardship activities’. The aim is to collect information  about  ‘stewardship activities’ in specific case studies and examine the relationship between these activities and small-scale fishing people. We will invite contributors with interesting case studies to participate in the IMCC4 conference, which will be held in in St. John’s, Canada at the end of July 2016.

To find out more about the assessment and to contribute your data, fill out the online form or download the Stewardship activities fillable form. The completed fillable form should be sent to as an attachment.


1. An e-book based on individual contribution of the SSF gear impact assessment

2. Publication about stewardship

3. Policy briefs, community toolkits and other communications based on the findings from the studies

4. Report to the World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC) task force on the role of small-scale fisheries stewardship in “Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures” for consideration in CBD discussions for the post-2020 process

5. A session at the 4th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4), on 30 July – 3 August, 2016, St. John’s, NL

Timeline / Work plan

1. Rapid assessment of SSF gear and stewardship.

2. Rapid assessment of SSF stewardship activities.

2. Report to the World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC)

3. IMCC4 session, July 30-Aug 3 2016

Additional material

TBTI webinar series on SSF Stewardship: Stewardship in small-scale fisheries: a global overview

How to contribute

-Sign up for the cluster

-Conduct rapid assessment of SSF gear impact and stewardsip and submit it using the online form

-Conduct rapid assessment of SSF stewarsdip activities and submit it using the online form / fillable form

– Encourage colleagues to contribute information

-Suggest other ideas and deliverables that you would like to see in the cluster


Cluster coordinators

Tara Sayuri Whitty, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), USA

Ellen Hines, San Francisco State University, USA

Rebecca Lewison, San Diego State University, USA

Ratana Chuenpagdee, Memorial University, Canada

Mel Agapito, Memorial University, Canada

Delphine Rocklin, Memorial University, Canada

Cluster members
Name Affiliation Country
Abura, Samson Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Uganda
Aceves-Garcia, Fernando Instituto Nacional de la Economía Social Mexico
Akbarsyah, Nora Brawijaya University Indonesia
Akintola, Shehu Lagos State University Nigeria
Baigun, Claudio Instituto de Investigación e Ingenieria Ambiental Universidad Nacional de San Martin/Wetlands International Argentia
Baker, Iggy Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada
Balaraman, Subramanian Our Sea Our People India
Bannwart, Janaina Fishery coordinator of Epagri Brazil
Barter, Lachlan University Center for the Westfjords Iceland
Bassett, Hannah Univesity of Washington USA
Baumgartner, Timothy Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada Mexico
Bazzino, Gaston CIBNOR (Northwest Biological Research Center) Mexico
Beitl, Christine University of Maine USA
Bennett, Nathan The University of British Columbia Canada
Bockstael, Erika Natural Resources Institute Canada
Breckwoldt, Annette Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Bremen
Brewer, Jennifer University of New Hampshire USA
Buxton, Jordan San Diego Zoo Global USA
Cakacaka, Akuila Institute of Tropical Marine Research Germany
Campbell, Brooke University of Wollongong Australia
Castañeda Fernandez De Lara, Veronica National fisheries institute Mexico
Chong, Carolina University of Bremen Germany
Coswig Kalikoski, Daniela FAO Italy
Cowx, Ian University of Hull International Fisheries Institute UK
Creaghan, Phoebe Dalhousie University Canada
Dao, Nga York University Canada
Defeo, Omar University of the Republic Uruguay
Da Silva Batista, Vandick Universidade Federal de Alagoas Brazil
De Freitas, Debora Biosciences Institute São Paulo State University Brazil
De Santana, Iramaia Universidade do Estado da Bahia Brazil
Doria, Carolina Universidade Federal de Rondônia Brazil
Dracott, Karina University of Akureyri Iceland
Elegbede, Isa Brandenburg University of Technology Germany
Esteves, Pedro Fundação Instituto de Pesca do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Evans, Louisa University of Exeter UK
Fakoya, Kafayat Lagos State University Nigeria
Faraco, Luiz ICMBIO Brazil
Floro, Julien Marine Conservationist Portugal
Fofandi, Kamlesh Volunteer India
Freed, Sarah University of Maryland University College USA
Friedman, Kim FAO Italy
Garcia-Quijano, Carlos University of Rhode Island USA
Gaynor, Amanda Rare USA
Ginindza, Joseph University of the Western Cape South Africa
Granados-Dieseldorff, Pablo Rare - Fish Forever Mexico
Gurung, Tek Nepal Agricultural Research Council Nepal
Haro, María Isabel The University of Queensland Australia
Hart, Paul University of Leicester UK
Headley, Maren Universidad Marista de Merida Mexico
Heyde, Jill Lestari Sustainable Development Consultants Germany
Hisham, Jafer Department of Fisheries. Union Territory of Lakshadweep India
Hudson, Joanna Blue Ventures UK
Hudson Weaver, Amy ociedad de Historia Natural Niparaja AC Mexico
Jarina, Mohd Jani University Malaysia Terengganu Malaysia
Jatoi, Qamer Uddin University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa Pakistan
Jiménez Badillo, Ma. de Lourdes Veracruz University Mexico
Johnson, Magnus University of Hull UK
Jouanneau, Charlène Charlène Jouanneau Consultant France
Kasuti, Joseph State department of fisheries and the blue economy Kenya
Kehinde, Adekeye Fisheries Society of Nigeria Nigeria
Khan, Zaidy United Nations Nippon Fellow Grenada
Kim, Onnuri Duke University USA
Kinds, Arne Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) Belgium
Lam, Mimi University of British Columbia Canada
Lamb, Norlan Conch - Conserving our natural cultural history Belize
Lau, Jacqueline ARC Centre for Excellece in Coral Reef Studies Australia
Lazar, Najih University of Rhode Island USA
Li, Yinji Tokai University Japan
Lloret, Josep University of Girona Spain
Loneragan, Neil Murdoch University Australia
Loor, Hans Ruperti Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain
Loring, Philip University of Saskatchewan Canada
Loury, Erin FISHBIO Laos
Lueiro, Xoán Inacio Amoedo Consultant Spain
Manyungwa-Pasani, Chikondi Department of Fisheries Malawi Malawi
Martinez Tovar, Ivan Ocean Outcomes USA
Mather, Charles Memorial Univeristy Canada
McClean, Nick University of Technology Sydney Australia
McClenachan, Loren Colby College USA
Mestres, Sílvia Gómez Autonomous University of Barcelona Spain
Mhlanga, Wilson Department of Environment Science Bindura University of Science Education Zimbabwe
Mills, Elyse International Institute of Social Studies Neatherlands
Miller, Karly Marie University of California USA
Mphangwe Kosamu, Ishmael Bobby University of Malawi Malawi
Namwira, Deo University of Birmingham England
Napata, Ruby Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas Philippines
Narvarte, Maite Andrea CONICET-Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas- Universidad Nacional del Comahue Argentina
Neilson, Alison Centre for Social Studies, CES, University of Coimbra Portugal
Nuno, Ana University of Exeter UK
Nyikahadzoi, Kefasi University of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Olson, Kim Memorial University/Government of NL Canada
Orren, Kimberly Fishing for Success Canada
Ourens, Rosana Stanford University USA
Palmer, Roy Aquaculture without Frontiers Australia
Parker, Kashiefa International Ocean Institute South Africa
Petersen, Carolyn University of Exeter UK
Pita, Cristina University of Aveiro Portugal
Potts, Tavis University of Aberdeen UK
Ragusa, Gianluca International Independent consultant - Fisheries and aquaculture specialist Italy
Ramenzoni, Victoria Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University USA
Ramírez, Alejandro Social-ecological systems lab Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
Rathnasuriya, Ishara National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency Sri Lanka
Revold, Jens UiT-Arctic University of Norway Norway
Rogers, Victoria Memorial Univeristy Canada
Said, Alicia University of Kent UK
Sall, Aliou Centre de recherches océanographiques de Dakar Thiaroye Senegal
Schneider, Katharina Heidelberg University Germany
Selgrath, Jennifer University of British Columbia Canada
Serrat, Alba Universitat de Girona Spain
Siriwardane-de Zoysa, Rapti Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Germany
Snape, Robin University of Exeter Cyprus
Suebpala, Wichin Ramkhamhaeng University Thailand
Teh, Louise University of British Columbia Canada
Thomassin, Annick McGill University and Australian National University Australia
Torre, Jorge Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C. (COBI) Mexico
Travaille, Kendra University of Western Australia Australia
Tubino, Rafael Universidade Federal Fluminense Brazil
Tupper, Mark Coastal Resources Association Philippines
Turner, Rachel University of Exeter UK
Tzanatos, Evangelos University of Patras Greece
Ünal, Vahdet Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries Turkey
Urteaga, Jose E-IPER / Stanford University Nicaragua
Vessaz, Fanny Independent researcher Switzerland
Vila Nova, Daniele Universidade Federal de Goiás Brazil
White, Carole University of East Anglia and Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science UK
Witter, Allison UBC Fisheries Centre Canada
Yeemin, Thamasak Ramkhamhaeng university Thailand
Yingst, Alexandra University Centre of the Westfjords Iceland
Young, Samantha San Diego Zoo Global USA