3WSFC is making waves and is featured in the latest Samudra Report
By all accounts, the past ten years have been truly exceptional for small-scale fisheries. One of the highlights is the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) by FAO member states in 2014. As the first international instrument specifically designed for small-scale fisheries, the SSF Guidelines give the much-needed visibility to this important sector, calling all parties to promote small-scale fisheries sustainability through a human-rights based approach. The SSF Guidelines set off waves of excitement and optimism about the new era for small-scale fisheries.
TBTI is featured in the latest edition of the Samudra Report, a monthly publication by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF). The article 'A Time for Transformation', co-authored by Project Director Ratana Chuenpagdee and Project Coordinator Vesna Kerezi, presents an optimistic view of what the last decade has represented to small-scale fisheries globally, highlighting major achievements and indicating potential paths for a sustainable and viable small-scale fisheries future.
The voices of small-scale fishers and civil society organizations were loud and clear at the 3rd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress
According to the article, from the adoption of the the SSF Guidelines by FAO member states in 2014, to its implementation there is a need, in most cases, for major transformation and/or reform of the governing system. It is no easy task, but one that supporters of small-scale fisheries are willing to take by putting effort into transdisciplinarity and discussing what are the stepping stones towards transformation.
The 3rd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (3WSFC), held in Chiang Mai, Thailand in October 2018 represented a step in that direction, where more than 400 participants from over 55 countries called for change in the way we talk about small-scale fisheries, consider their values, conduct research and train future generations, as well as how we take actions to support small-scale fisheries. The congress - largest gathering of people with various interests in small-scale fisheries, certainly paved way for advancing knowledge in the sector, and enhancing connections between science, communities and policy, and developing strategies for action leading up to the 4WSFC and the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture in 2022.