Article: Role of inland fishery and aquaculture for food and nutrition security in Nepal

agriculture-and-food-securityAuthor: Tek Bahadur Gurung

An article titled “Role of inland fishery and aquaculture for food and nutrition security in Nepal" has recently been published in the Agriculture & Food Security journal. The article examines the role and importance of the inland water fisheries which have rarely been elaborated  on with perspectives to food and nutritional security in a Himalayan landlocked country. The article than explains the role and potential of inland fisheries for food and nutrition security in Nepal.

This is the one of several upcoming articles included in the new TBTI special issue on “Fisheries and Food Systems: Cross-pollinations and Synthesis”. The special issue, edited by Philip Loring, Moenieba Isaacs, and Ratana Chuenpagdee is developed through the Fish as Food cluster.

The full article can be found online here.
