Full-time research position at CINVESTAV

A full-tiCinvestavTransparenteme research position in health and environmental impact is being offered at CINVESTAV Merida, Mexico. The position requires a researcher with a strong background in the areas of analytic and environmental chemistry. He or she must be knowledgeable in the biogeochemical cycles of toxic substances, chemical interactions between the environment and the living organisms. The candidates must be skilled in experimental design and field work, should be able to prepare and analyze data, participate in seminars and academic activities organized by the Department and publish in high impact journals.

The application deadline is December 31, 2015. For more details about the position and on how to apply see: Convocatoria Plaza Salud e Impacto Ambiental Cinvestav-Merida EN & Convocatoria Plaza Salud e Impacto Ambiental Cinvestav-Merida SP.