TBTI Japan e-book ‘In the Era Of Big Change’ won the Publication & Culture Award of the Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies! The awarding ceremony was held on July 27, 2021, at the general meeting of the association, which was held online. The award certificate and a medal were given by the President of the association, Professor Tomoya Shibayama.
"This book is the first research achievement that systematically captures the role and significance of small-scale fisheries in Japan, with a large number of participating authors; and since it has been published in English, it contributes significantly to international community towards understanding and improving the recognition of the importance of coastal areas."
TBTI Japan Coordinator, Professor Yinji Li of Tokai University, who received the certificate on behalf of the two editors, said:
"We are honoured to receive this prestigious award. This honour is thanks to the 50 plus authors who supported the idea of this publication whose goal was to reaffirm the roles and significance of Japanese small-scale fisheries and to disseminate the message widely to the international community. This may be only a ‘Small’ step, but I take it as a ‘Big’ testament to the steady progress we are making in the small-scale fisheries research, and I will continue to devote myself to this field of research. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my co-editor, Dr. Namikawa, and TBTI Director, Professor Ratana Chuenpagdee. Thank you."
Shizuoka Shimbun News (Aug 20, 2021)
TBTI Japan session ‘Voices of Genba”, organized as part of the ‘SSF Open House’ in June, was featured in Tokai University News.
Read the full article online at Tokai University News (June 26, 2021). To see the article in English, click on the ‘English’ button.
"It was very meaningful to be able to disseminate the current status of Japanese small-scale fisheries, which are less internationally recognized than the large-scale industrial fisheries, to the world," commented professor Li about the session.
With its four sections: 1) A Bird’s Eye View, 2) Live On Fishing, 3) Dialogue With Fishers, and 4) Perspectives and Opinions, the session highlighted the voices of the Genba (Japanese word for the on-site, bottom-up approaches) regarding Japanese small-scale fisheries. For details, please refer to the event proceedings.