ISSF 2.0

The Information System on Small-scale Fisheries 2.0 successfully launched!








The Information System on Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF) is an online, crowdsourcing platform developed by Too Big To Ignore. ISSF is the first global repository of small-scale fisheries data, allowing users to share their knowledge and data on small-scale fisheries on a global level.









The 2.0 version of ISSF includes an updated, more user friendly interface as well as new visualization tools, including a tool showing the number of SSF profiles of various governance modes by countries as well as the one showing  vessel/gear types by country/region.







The 2.0 ISSF also contains a new 'Blue Justice Alert' dataset that allows anyone (including you!) to alert the world about injustice and other threats for small-scale fisheries in communities, regions, countries, etc. The purpose of the global scan is to collect stories and examples of policies, programs, projects, initiatives, regulatory frameworks, as well as other situations that create different types of injustice and inequity in small-scale fisheries, putting them in a disadvantaged and marginalized position.


Be part of the ISSF community and contribute!