Learning for Resilience: Insights from Cambodia’s rural communities

DSC02248fisher and gillnetresizedA book  titled “Learning for Resilience: Insights from Cambodia’s rural communities” has recently been published by the Learning Institute, a non-profit, non-political Cambodian organization working with a wide range of civil society, public and private sector organizations so that they can contribute more effectively to the sustainable management of natural resources.

The book summarizes lessons learned from rural communities about ways they have tried to build resilience in the face of changes that have affected their social-ecological systems. The research program consists of a diversity of projects spanning the country and focusing on a wide variety of themes and issues. Each project addresses specific dimensions of the nexus of ‘climate change-food security-natural resources management’ but they are integrated under one common research framework. The book contains three chapters on Fisheries Dependent Communities, which captures the main issues and patterns of change in Cambodia's small scale fishing sectors. These chapters will soon be available as separate downloads from the Learning Institute website. 

To download the entire book, click here

