Media News Release – “Sustainable Management of the Marine Environment, a Global Challenge”

A recent news release by a local media outlet in Tenerife, Spain speaks about the conference 'Challenges for the Sustainable Use of the Marine Environment', held at the University of La Laguna on October 11, 2017. The event focused on sharing successful international experiences on the sustainable management of our oceans, through the participation of researchers and practitioners.

TBTI Project Director, Ratana Chuenpagdee, presented the challenges and prospects for small-scale fisheries, reflecting on the global changes and their effects on small-scale fishing communities. Other researchers shared experiences on the uses of the marine environment and marine conservation from Brazil, Uruguay, and the Canary Islands.

As noted in the media news release, the sustainable use of our oceans should be addressed both by natural science and social science research perspectives. José Pascual, the coordinator of the Ph.D. program at the University of La Laguna, also highlighted the need for a holistic approach in tackling ocean governance issues, given the wide array of stakeholders involved in the use and management of this complex environment.

To read the full article by 'La Opinión de Tenerife', see La gestión sostenible del medio marino, un reto para el planeta.