TBTI Connect publication series presents:
Developing a Transdisciplinary Fisheries Course Through Collaboration
Small-scale fisheries contain complex and dynamic features that are interwoven, yet rarely addressed together. To deal with the complexity of small-scale fisheries, governance must be based on broad, comprehensive, and integrated understanding of fisheries social and ecological systems. Such perspective is not always reflected in the conventional training of fisheries researchers and practitioners. New approaches to teaching, training, and communication about fisheries are required. TBTI transdisciplinary fisheries cluster was created to address this need. The cluster aims to develop content for transdisciplinarity fisheries teaching and training, that can be used as part of an academic degree or as part of local capacity development.
TBTI used a transdisciplinary approach to develop the initial course elements through a collaborative effort by a diverse group of collaborators, including small-scale fisheries practitioners, researchers, and students from around the world. This collaboration was intended as a first step in an on-going course development process. The next steps include the development of course content, the test delivery of the course through multiple learning pathways, and an evaluation.
Click on the TBTI Connect TD Fisheries Course to find out more about the TBTI transdisciplinary approach and the collaborative process of developing a transdisciplinary fisheries course.