Article: The humble sardine (small pelagics): fish as food or fodder

agriculture-and-food-securityAuthor: Moenieba Isaacs 

An article titled “The humble sardine (small pelagics): fish as food or fodder" has recently been published in the Agriculture & Food Security journal. The article examines the significant of  sardines and how this nutrient-rich food is processed and lost to livestock feed, fish feed, fish oil, pet food and omega-rich vitamins. It also looks into the nutritional importance of small pelagics as an easily digestible protein source, rich in essential lipids with fatty acids (EPA/DHA), essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

This is the one of several upcoming articles included in the new TBTI special issue on “Fisheries and Food Systems: Cross-pollinations and Synthesis”. The special issue, edited by Philip Loring, Moenieba Isaacs, and Ratana Chuenpagdee is developed through the Fish as Food cluster.

The full article can be found online here.
