Two positions offered at FAO

FAO is offering two full-time positions:

1) Programme Officer (Operations) for the FishCode Programme, in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Rome, Italy. FAO is looking for an individual who would provide comprehensive project management and technical services to support the planning, development, formulation and implementation of Fisheries and Aquaculture Departmental programmes, projects, products and services, especially those supported by the Global Environmental Facility (and in particular the Coastal Fisheries Initiative).

The application deadline is December 4, 2015. For detailed information on the vacancy, see Programme Officer.

2) Fishery Officer (iMarine) in the Statistics and Information Branch (FIPS), Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Economic Division (FIP), Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Rome, Italy. The successful candidate will report to the Chief, FIPS, and regularly report progress to counterparts in other involved FI Branches. She or he will support the development of the iMarine platform by leading the delivery of innovative data services to FAO and its partners in the field of the EAF, Stock assessment, aquaculture inventories, environmental impact assessment, and capacity building. Programme Officer will act as focal point and technical lead for iMarine related projects, contribute to the iMarine business plan with development of revenue options, and rpovide inputs to community governance and data policies.

The application deadline is December 2, 2015. For detailed information on the vacancy, see Fishery Officer.