WG1 workplan

The component Global Analysis focuses on defining and developing an  on-line information system for small-scale fisheries (ISSF) to capture, store and communicate key parameters, and to undertake multi-level and multi-scale analysis of SSF data (WG1). The ISSF will capture the key characteristics of small-scale fisheries in any given location across the ‘fish chain’ from aquatic ecosystem to plate, including the nature and type of fisheries and fishing activities, fishers’ relationships with fish buyers and money lenders, and the legal pluralism in the rules and norms governing fisheries. This system will use innovative ways to visualize information to help generate new knowledge and for effective communication with end- users, such as universities and policy makers, and will provide a solid foundation for multi- level analysis of SSF that will enable appropriate policy development and decision-making. WG1 Leader: Dr. Rodolphe Devillers, Canada.