WG1 Information System for Small-Scale Fisheries (ISSF) summary report


The primary goal of  WG1 is to define and develop the Information System for Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF), tool suitable for capturing the key parameters of small-scale fisheries, and for undertaking multi-level and multi-scale analysis of their contributions, the .

To obtain inputs on the ISSF from a broad constituent base of experts, a WG1 workshop focusing on ISSF design was held at University of British Columbia (UBC), June 16-17, 2013. Workshop activities included:

  • Reviewing the original ISSF vision and describing the proposed process for refining it.
  • Receiving input from workshop participants in the form of presentations on related topics and structured group discussions.
  • Describing and expanding an initial set of high-level requirements, including a draft data model, developed by the project team based on earlier communications.
  • Continuing the process, begun earlier through an online survey, of identifying and refining key attributes that help profile small-scale fisheries (SSF).
  • Reviewing and discussing ISSF technology options based on examples of existing, working systems.
  • Deciding on 18-month priorities for WG1, including a tentative ISSF rollout schedule and WG1 coordination of and participation in publications, conferences and meeting.

WG1 also participated on June 15 in a “synergy day”, which was the final day of the Fishing Futures and TBTI NAM/WG5 workshop. This was an opportunity to provide information to and get input from a broader group of stakeholders.

For more information about the WG1 workshop, download the summary of the event by clicking on TBTI WG1 Workshop Vancouver June 2013 Summary Final