WG4 Special Issue Call receives 22 abstracts as contributions

The call for papers to be published in the Special Issue of the peer-reviewed journal homeHeaderTitleImage_pt_BR that was organized by WG4 (Enhancing the stewardship) received 22 contributions. These abstracts were contributed from Brazilian, Latin American, Caribbean, European, Canadian and US researchers.  The proposals covered all three dimensions of WG4 (impacts, monitoring, and stewardship). The published papers will help achieve one of the Special Issue goals, which is to promote TBTI/WG4 objectives for Portuguese and Spanish speakers. Authors, who have had their proposals selected, need to submit their full draft papers by February 28,  2014 to the Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente Journal Editors. The Special Issue should be published by December 2014 with Thiago Serafini as the chief editor for the issue, assisted by Rodrigo Medeiros and Patrick McConney.