WG4 workplan

Enhancing the Stewardship (WG4) aims to understand what alternatives are available for minimizing environmental impacts and fostering stewardship within small-scale fisheries. Because small-scale fisheries are large in number, and often operate in remote areas,  in the absence of monitoring systems, assessing the impacts of this sector on the environment is a major challenge. An integration of scientific methods, modelling and local knowledge is required to fully capture small-scale fisheries’ footprints. WG4 is further tasked with finding ways to promote conservation and stewardship initiatives that, instead of criminalizing the small-scale fishing sector, help make it possible for them to maintain their livelihoods without eroding their ecological base. WG4 Leader: Dr. Patrick McConney, Barbados (http://www.cavehill.uwi.edu/cermes/tbti.htm);