‘Women and Gender in SSF’ online survey

Iran, Hengam, fisher women_O.Randin


The ‘Women & Gender’ cluster is conducting an online survey to obtain contextual information about the role and the relations between women and men in small-scale fisheries (SSF). Women are key actors of SSF and aquaculture where they accomplish different tasks from pre-harvesting operations to first sale and administration. However, women involvement in fisheries is poorly documented in statistics as their contribution is most often not recognized economically and administratively.

Due to the lack of recognition of their role and because of gender related inequality and inequity that prevail in society, their needs are far from being addressed and are insufficiently studied. The cluster Women and Gender aims at fill this knowledge gap and address the issue at the policy level. It plans to document the status of women and gender issues in SSF, encourage research and international publications on women and gender and to develop a policy agenda dedicated to women and gender.

The present survey aims to document women and gender issues by gathering and questioning knowledge on gender relations in SSF in different parts of the world. This rapid survey attempts to obtain contextual information about the role and the relations between women and men in SSF. The questionnaire is divided in four main domains: labour, household, governance and social transformation within SSF. If you think you can contribute information about these issues or that you have something to say about gender relations in SSF, please take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire.