Your contributed dataset – what it says?

You contributed a dataset to ISSF? Congratulations!
What does the data says and what can you do with it? 


There are many ways to explore data in ISSF that you have contributed to. Check out our new visualizations to see these examples.

From the ‘SSF Profile’ layer, you can find out common gear used in each country and accumulatively for the region. You can also compare data between any two countries or two regions. How cool is that! 

Why is it important to have this kind of information? According to the ISSF records, the common gear use in small-scale fisheries in Asia and Oceania are gillnets and hook & line, followed by traps. Research shows that hook & line and traps have low impact on marine life (1, 2). This is good news considering that about half of the world's catches in small-scale fisheries are from the Asia and Oceania region (3). While there are some bycatch issues with gillnets, studies show that many of the bycatch species are retained and utilized (4).

We encourage you to look at the ISSF to explore what the data are telling us about small-scale fisheries around the world. If you have not contributed, add the SSF Profile of your community through the “Contribute data” button on the ISSF website.