Special Issue: Global change, ensuing vulnerabilities, and social responses in marine environments, Feb. 2016

Global change, ensuing vulnerabilities, and social responses in marine environments

2Bundy A., Chuenpagdee, R., Cooley, S, Glaeser, B. and Talaue McManus, L. recently published a special collection of papers from the IMBER Human Dimensions Working Group workshop entitled “Understanding and forecasting human-ocean-human interactions, drivers and pressures, with respect to global change”. The workshop was part of the IMBER IMBIZO III Conference, “The future of marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems and societies” (January, 2013, Goa, India). The workshop participants presented papers on the following themes:

a) An analysis of societal changes in response to or anticipation of global change—their historical contexts and relationships with contemporaneous states of marine environment and institutions

b) Identification of vulnerabilities to global change and evaluation of current capacities to address these

c) Identification of key governance and policy thematic foci to empower societies to address marine environmental change.

The eight papers in the special issue illustrate a spectrum of ideas, issues, and responses to the impacts of global change and methodological approaches. Their commonality is in reaching across disciplines to address important issues, considerations of governance, and linked human and social systems.

To read the editorial of the special issue, clink on the link.

