Authors: Rajib Biswal (former TBTI student), Derek Johnson (TBTI cluster coordinator), and Fikret Berkes (TBTI member)
The paper focuses on the perception of fishing as a way of life by many coastal communities, which does much more than just providing material benefits. Specifically, the publication argues that a social wellbeing approach provides a valuable perspective from which to view changing fishers' perceptions of bag net fishing in the face of commons management failure in Gujarat State, India.
This knowledge provides a basis on how to tackle issues on the continuance and sustainability of small-scale fisheries. Fishers feel frustrated and uncertain about their future which not only affects their subjective well-being but also their desire to involve future generations in fishing. The study then suggests two ideal paths towards ameliorating the current situation: a) more effective commons governance, with the revitalization oflocal institutions for commons management; and b) strengthened local capacity and increased occupational diversity.
To cite this article: Biswal, R.; Johnson, D.; Berkes, F. 2017. Social wellbeing and commons management failure in a small-scale bag net fishery in Gujarat, India. International Journal of the Commons