Call for contribution: Global changes in small-scale fisheries

Global changes in small-scale fisheries

In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness about global changes. Both ecosystems and human communities are changing, as a result of a wide spectrum of environmental, climate, markets and regulations changes. Among the systems affected by these changes, fisheries are experiencing strong - and sometimes dramatic – implications, especially on coastal communities whose livelihoods depend on them (Cochrane et al. 2009)*. This is particularly true for small-scale fisheries.

Significant progress has been made in describing and understanding the primary aspects of observed large-scale changes in fisheries production. However, little is known about how these global changes affect small-scale fisheries and the relative communities who depend on them. Considering the importance of small-scale fisheries for many coastal communities - both culturally and, particularly for developing countries, as a reliable source of food - the “Global Change Responses” cluster of Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) is launching a new initiative to enhance understanding about small-scale fisheries and their susceptibility to global changes.

Specifically, we are inviting case studies about small-scale fisheries anywhere in the world affected by any type of change, local or large-scale, climate-related or others (environmental, economical, markets and regulations related). Case study contributors are encouraged to use the I-ADApT template, developed by IMBER Human Dimension Working Group. By applying the same framework to multiple case studies, typology of responses can be developed, based on fisheries characteristics and type of stressors. Such a typology can be very useful to help fishing communities and fisheries managers prepare for change.

The findings will be published in a synthesis paper & journal special issue publication. Possible journals for the special issue are Global Environmental Change, Progress in Oceanography, and ICES.

For more information about the call download Call for contribution. If you are interested in contributing a case study, please send your contribution to by November 15th, 2016.   


*Cochrane KL, Perry RI, Daw TM, et al (eds) (2009) Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture: overview of current scientific knowledge. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome