Irish small-scale fishers fight against the ban on salmon fishing

We protect birds, wildlife and fish…but what about us, the people?”, an Irish small-scale fisher says in the French newspaper Le Monde (26th January 2015).IMG_7705 - Lobster pot fishermen, Northern (Easkey)2

Residents of Arranmore, a small island northwest of Ireland, describe fishing as their life, their history, their culture. They used to fish mackerel, salmon, cod, crab…according to seasons. But since 1973, when Ireland joined the European Union, the small-scale fishers have been faced with a number of challenges including reduced fishing quotas, imposed no-take zones, and the ban on salmon fishing. A documentary called “A turning tide in the life of men”, by Loic Jourdain depicts the effects these changes had on the Arranmore's fishers and their fight to win back their right to fish the salmon.

To read more about these issues and the documentary, see the full article here.