The IMBER-ADApT Framework

The IMBER-ADApT Framework is an integrated assessment framework, developed to enable and enhance decision-making in fisheries faced with global change issues.  The framework is based on a  typology of case-studies that provideFish and Fisheries journal photo lessons on how the natural, social and governance systems respond to the challenges of global change. It enables decision-makers, researchers, managers and local stakeholders to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience of coastal peoples to global change through adequate decisions, improved reactions, and effective allocation of resource.

The framework was developed by Human Dimensions Group of the IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research) project ( The group recently published an article about the framework titled "A decision support tool for response to global change in marine systems: the IMBER-ADApT Framework". 

To learn more about IMBER-ADApT, visit: