Brice Trouillet

Country: France

Brice holds a PhD in geography (University of Nantes, France, 2004) where he has been an Associate Professor since 2007. He works within the LETG lab of which he is also a deputy director since 2015. He collaborates with IUML, a large scientific consortium dedicated to marine and coastal researches based in Nantes. During these past 10 years he received 4 grants for research programs (as a PI) and has been involved in 11 others grant as either a participant or as a work package leader. He is currently on a one year sabbatical and is stationed at the TBTI headquarters at Memorial University, Canada.

Brice is a geographer whose research focuses on the relations between humans and maritime space. Through the lens of science and technology studies and critical approaches, he uses the case of fisheries in marine spatial planning to study how power relations and knowledge issues intertwine in (geo)technological devices (data, types of knowledge, planning documents, mapping features) that ultimately shape 'socio-technical agencements', forming an intermediate with the marine 'environment'.

1. What are you currently working on within the context of SSF?

I'm interested in highlighting and documenting spatial fisheries-related issues worldwide, which is quite challenging! SSF provide an excellent lens to question about 'environmental' and spatial issues.

2. If you could single out one or two most significant factors for securing sustainability of SSF, what would these factors be?

Change the glasses: that is, stop considering SSF through the 'simple' bio-economic perspective, which is still largely the case worldwide. There are social, cultural, food, contact to nature (and so on) dimensions to consider as well. It sounds obvious but it is not. It is question of 'geodiversity'.

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