Report: ‘Governability of European Small-Scale Fisheries’ discussion forum; July 2017

'Governability of European Small-Scale Fisheries' discussion forum
July 3, 2017; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The main purpose of the forum was to exchange information and knowledge about SSF in Europe, as well as to discuss the regional synthesis and the ‘SSF Governability Index’, a new assessment tool developed by TBTI to help countries gauge what needs to happen in order to improve governance and achieve SSF sustainability. About 35 participants, including TBTI members and the wider audience, attended the event.

The forum provided an opportunity for participants to share their experiences on issues affecting the sustainability and governance of SSF in Europe and discuss the opportunities that are being implemented in dealing with these challenges. Participants also discussed the implementation of the SSF Guidelines, and shed light on the way forward in terms of SSF research and capacity development programs in the European region. In the second part of the event, representatives of four European initiatives that work with SSF introduced their programs, providing examples of the types of approaches that can enhance SSF governability and sustainability in this region.

Report: TBTI forum @ MARE 2017

The four initiatives represented at the forum included:

For more details about the event, read a short summary of this event in the 'Governability and Sustainability of European Small-Scale Fisheries' discussion forum report. The outcomes of the forum will be incorporated in the forthcoming TBTI European regional synthesis report.

