- Call for contributions for a new TBTI book [vc_custom_heading text="Editorial team" font_container="tag:h6|text_align:left" google_fonts="...read more
- From white shark to Blue Justice [vc_custom_heading text="From white shark to Blue Justice Meet Edgar Becerril, new TBTI Postdoctoral Fellow" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:20|text_align:cent...read more
- Towards a new era of support for SSF and aquaculture in Europe [vc_custom_heading text="Towards a new era of support for small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in Europe" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:24|text_align:center|...read more
- My academic journey [vc_custom_heading text="My academic journey Meeting the scholars who inspired my research" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:20|text_align:center|color:%235d6c8...read more
- Learning from Thai shores [vc_custom_heading text="Learning from Thai shores My student journey into the world of dried fish" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:20|text_align:center|color:...read more
- TBTI Bangladesh e-book gets media attention [vc_custom_heading text="By Ruyel Miah" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:18|text_align:left|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C50...read more
- Safeguarding our connections to oceans in a world of 8 billion people [vc_custom_heading text="By Truman Osmond" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:20|text_align:cente...read more
- INFOFISH speaks to TBTI Global Director [vc_custom_heading text="Industry profile: INFOFISH speaks to Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee " font_container="tag:h1|font_size:24|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:R...read more
- TBTI Members help secure $154-million for climate action [vc_custom_heading text="The Design and Governance of Coastal-Zone Mitigation and Adaptation Solutions" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:24|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fon...read more
- A lot of waves and tides on World Oceans Day [vc_custom_heading text="By Truman Osmond" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:20|text_align:cente...read more
- Communities with voice: The future of artisanal fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean [vc_custom_heading text="Comunidades con voz El futuro de la pesca artesanal en Latinoamérica y el Caribe" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:30|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" googl...read more
- The image fallacy: Rethinking the Tragedy of the Common
- What’s in store for TBTI Bangladesh? [vc_custom_heading text="By Ruyel Miah & Ratana Chuenpagdee" font_container="tag:h3|font_size:18|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100itali...read more
- TBTI Digest – March 2023 Learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. Be sure to browse o...read more
- TBTI Bangladesh has been launched at the Sylhet Agricultural University [vc_custom_heading text="A new TBTI Hub TBTI Bangladesh has been launched at Sylhet Agricultural University" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:30|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" goog...read more
- The new era of support for small-scale fisheries in Asia [vc_custom_heading text="The new era of support for small-scale fisheries in Asia was pledged in Bangkok at the IYAFA Closing Event for Asia" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:30|text_al...read more
- Postdoctoral Fellowship on ‘SSF as Solutions’ A one-year post-doctoral fellowship is available for an eligible candidate interested in contributing to several social science projects within the Too Big To Ignore Global. The successful candidate will work ac...read more
- OFI Module I Master’s student Lilian Saul completes her studies
- TBTI Japan: Interview in the Fisheries Daily
- Rebuilding fisheries for whom: Reflections on Oceana Canada’s Science Symposium
- Feeling Gratitude and Building New Images: Reflections from the 4WSFC Europe [vc_column_te...read more
- My first COFI
- Interactive Learning and Governance Transformation for Securing Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries
- Thailand helped celebrate IYAFA 2022 with the theme “Elevating Security, Prosperity and Sustainability” [vc_custom_heading text="" font_container="tag:h6|font_size:18|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500ital...read more
- TBTI’s Blue Justice Commitment [vc_custom_heading text="Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%235e98d1" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular...read more
- Reflections from Asia Pacific and North America Regional Congresses [vc_custom_heading text="" font_container="tag:h6|font_size:18|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500ital...read more
- Small-Scale Fisheries Sustainability: Progress and Challenges
- Blue Justice Glossary [vc_custom_heading text="" font_container="tag:h6|font_size:18|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500ital...read more
- Former TBTI student mapping out interactions between SSF and oil industry in Gulf of Mexico [vc_custom_heading text="" font_container="tag:h6|font_size:18|text_align:center|color:%235d6c89" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500ital...read more
- Analysis / Blue Economy: The Power Game of Language
- TBTI at the ICFAS 6 and AFSSRN F1 conference
- TBTI Director gives a keynote at the IMBeR West Pacific Symposium
- Península Valdés, Argentina: A World Heritage Site for whom? [vc_custom_heading text="A 'Blue Justice Alert' story*" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%235e98d1" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic...read more
- SSF at the World Fisheries Congress 2021 [vc_column_te...read more
- Gender and social justice [vc_custom_heading text="More than survival strategies: Realizing women's contribution in small-scale fisheries" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%235e98d1" google_fonts="font_family:Robo...read more
- Blue Justice Alert: The indigenous communities in the Orinoquía region, Colombia [vc_custom_heading text="A 'Blue Justice Alert' story*" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%235e98d1" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic...read more
- Blue Justice Alert: The tragedy of the Sundarbans [vc_custom_heading text="A 'Blue Justice Alert' story*" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%235e98d1" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic...read more
- A win for the e-book ‘In the era of big change’! [vc_custom_heading text="TBTI Japan receives the Publication & Culture Award of the Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies" font_container="tag:h1|fon...read more
- Unpacking legal and policy frameworks: A step ahead for implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines
Authors: Julia Nakamura*, Ratana Chuenpagdee**, & MostafaEl Halimi*
* TBTI member; ** TBTI Director
[vc_empty_spa...read more - ‘Girls Who Fish’ is going to Japan! [vc_custom_heading text="Download the program flyer" font_container="tag:h4|text_align:left" go...read more
- Community responses to international trade policy: A Newfoundland case study [vc_custom_heading text="New paper offers a principled governance of seafood trade policy as a just way forward for fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100i...read more
- Call for contributions for a book on Canadian SSF [vc_custom_heading text="'Thinking Big about Small-Scale Fisheries in Canada'" font_container="tag:h1|text_align:center" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2...read more
- IOI Canada held a refresher course on ‘Ocean governance: issues of immediate concern’ [vc_c...read more
- Md. Ruyel Miah defends his thesis on mud crab fishery [vc_column_text...read more
- A good book discussing small-scale fisheries
- On and by the water
- Types of injustice in small-scale fisheries Small-scale fisheries around the world face different types of injustice that violate their human rights, affect their livelihoods and wellbeing, and prohibit them from participating in decision-making, among others. Che...read more
- The Transdisciplinary Journey [vc_custom_heading text="Reflections from the 2020 TBTI Transdisciplinary online course" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23ff914d" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C3...read more
- Not so small after all
- TBTI book is helping solve global challenges
- E-book: Small-scale fisheries in Africa – a regional portrait [/v...read more
- Splitting Hairs
- Is your paper in ISSF? Do you want people to know about your research in SSF? ISSF offers the most comprehensive information system of all things SSF. Check out the ‘State-of-the-Art’ interactive data visualization and find ou...read more
- TBTI Japan Research Network About the network As the launch of the new fishing boat, the ship of the TBTI Japan Research Network is now out into the ocean! Congratulations! Japan’s fisheries governance is based on the fishery rights and ...read more
- Why Should Everyone Care about Small-Scale Fisheries [vc_column wi...read more
- Your contributed dataset – what it says? You contributed a dataset to ISSF? Congratulations! What does the data says and what can you do with it? There are many ways to explore data in ISSF that you have contributed to. Check out our new vi...read more
- Watch videos or play a game to learn about the SSF Guidelines Photo from when course participant at a Resilient Fisheries Governance course in Wageningen test-play the ‘GO small-scale Fish!ng’ card game in December 2019. © Åsa Ljusenius/FAO The principles in the...read more
- ISSF 2.0 The Information System on Small-scale Fisheries 2.0 successfully launched! The Information System on Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF) is an ...read more
- Vulnerability to Viability (V2V): Global partnership for building strong small-scale fisheries communities About the project Vulnerability to Viability Global Partnership (V2V), a new research initiative led by Dr. Prateep Nayak, received a seven-year, $2.5 million Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Re...read more
- Two new papers from TBTI PhD Candidate
- TBTI Digest – May 2020 Learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. Be sure to browse o...read more
- Small-scale fishing community mobilization in Brazil amidst multi-faceted challenges [vc_custom_heading text="Oil spill, fishery closure season and Covid-19: A sequence of big challenges for small-scale fishers in Brazil" font_container="tag:h5|...read more
- Book: Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe – Status, Resilience and Governance
- Sailing in a sea of uncertainties [vc_custom_heading text="From marginalization to social justice" font_container="tag:h5|text_align:left|color:%232090d6" google_fonts="font_famil...read more
- Bright Young Faces [vc_custom_heading text="An opportunity in the face of challenge" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23dd5621" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregula...read more
- Miguel Lorenzi, TBTI PhD student, successfully defended his thesis
- TBTI Digest – March 2020 Learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. Be sure to browse o...read more
- Book review: Blue Justice [vc_custom_heading text="Review of the book ‘Life Above Water: Essays on Human Experiences of Small-Scale Fisheries’" font_container="tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%231e90c9" google_fonts="font_fa...read more
- On and By the Water
Author: Svein Jentoft*
* TBTI founding member and the SSF Guidelines cluster coordinator
[/vc...read more - Facing an uncertain future: A prospective analysis of trade policy on coastal communities in northwest Newfoundland [vc...read more
Authors: Jack Daly* & Ratana Chuenpagdee**
* Former TBTI student, ** TBTI Director
- Online consultations: monitoring the implementation of the SSF Guidelines [vc_custom_heading text="How to monitor implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries?" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:22|text_align:center|color:%231e90c...read more
- TBTI Digest – February 2020 Learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. Be sure to browse our website...read more
- Call for contribution: Special session on inclusive governance planning at IMCC6 [vc_custom_heading text="Special session for the 6th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC)" font_container="tag:h4|text_align:center" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C30...read more
- Call for contribution: Special session on marine indigenous tenures at IMCC6 [vc_custom_heading text="Special session for the 6th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC)" font_container="tag:h4|text_align:center" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C30...read more
- Mainstreaming small-scale fisheries in governance and policy in LAC [vc_custom_heading text="Regional workshop December 11-14, 2019 | Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico" font_container="tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%233d7ebf" google_fonts="font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100itali...read more
- Great Fish for a Change [vc_custom_hea...read more
- Celebrating 2019 World Fisheries Day
Highlights from our World Fisheries Day event 'Towards Zero Waste in our Fisheries'
- Call for contribution: Special session on SSF markets at the IIFET 2020 [CLOSED] [vc_custom_heading text="“Markets and market opportunities for small-scale fishery products``" font_container="tag:h3|text_align:center" google_fonts="font_family:Vollkorn%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C...read more
- FAO International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability held in Rome, Nov 2019 [vc_custom_heading text="Articulating a new vision for fisheries’ sustainability in the 21st century" font_container="tag:h1|font_size:22|text_align:left|color:%231e90c9" css_animation="slideInDown" ...read more
- Governing from images: Marine protected areas as case illustrations
- TBTI 2nd Special Issue on Gender in Small-Scale Fisheries Situated Transformations of Women and Gender Relations in Small-Scale-Fisheries and Communities in a Globalized world Second issue of the TBTI thematic collection "(En)gendering Change in Small-...read more
- Nov 21 2019 – today is World Fisheries Day!
Putting the spotlight on small-scale fisheries
- We are social science researchers first, and fisheries researchers second
Svein Jentoft gives a keynote at MARE 2019
[vc_sing...read more - TBTI joins IOI in World Oceans Day 2019 celebrations in Halifax
- TBTI in the Philippines: Special session at 12AFAF and the TD training program
Blue Economy: What’s in it for small-scale fisheries?
[vc_column_...read more - These are our stories
Happy International Women's Day!
- Gender equity and the SSF Guidelines
- Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries are Too Important to Fail! [vc_co...read more
- TBTI Digest, February 2019 Download TBTI Digest to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. We also encourage you...read more
- Report from the training workshop “Transdisciplinarity in Fisheries & Ocean Sustainability” The transdisciplinary approach argues that the problems and priorities in fisheries and ocean governance, especially when concerning small-scale fisheries, require a broadening of perspectives that cut across academ...read more
- Strengthening collaboration on small-scale fisheries research in the Latin America and the Caribbean On February 4 and 5, 2019, several TBTI members met in Guayaquil, Ecuador to discuss ways of building collaboration between government departments, researchers and civil society organizations to add...read more
- The Spirit of Diversity: A review of the TBTI Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines book The Spirit of Diversity: A review of 'The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global implementation' book written by: Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor Published in: SAMUDRA Report No. 79 The full article ca...read more
- 3WSFC – Highlights from the Action Day, Oct 26 In order to facilitate interaction, information sharing, cross-fertilization of ideas and networking opportunities for congress participants, the congress followed a dynamic format with activities organized around th...read more
- Article: Mapping fishers’ perceptions of marine conservation in Brazil: An exploratory approach Mapping fishers’ perceptions of marine conservation in Brazil: An exploratory approach Mirella de Oliveira Leis, Rodolphe Devillers, Rodrigo Pereira Medeiros, and Ratana Chuenpagdee Ocean & Coastal Mana...read more
- A tribute to Svein Jentoft: special issue & award Special Issue: Maritime Studies, Volume 17, Issue 3, November 13 Edited by: Maarten Bavinck and Jahn Petter Johnsen . This special issue is a tribute to Svein Jentoft w...read more
- TBTI Digest, November 2018 Download TBTI Digest to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. We also encourage you [download]
- 3rd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress – the future of small-scale fisheries is now [vc...read more
- Debriefs from the congress In order to facilitate interaction, information sharing, cross-fertilization of ideas and networking opportunities for congress participants, the congress followed a dynamic format with activities organized around th...read more
- 3WSFC – Congress in the news
- 3WSFC – Reflections from students and early career scientists [vc...read more
- Book: Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance: Analysis and Practice
- TBTI Digest, September 2018 Download TBTI Digest to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. We also encourage you [download]
- Dr. William Cheung named as member of the RSC’s College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists Congratulations to Dr. Cheung, UBC Professor at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, for being named as new member of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists. The College provides the Royal Society of...read more
- Managing the seas for people and nature – lecture by Dr. Rashid Sumaila Managing the seas for people and nature A talk by world-renowned scientist Dr. Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia The event is organized as part of the Ocean Frontier Institu...read more
- ‘Small-scale fisheries in the South’ workshop, Brest, June 2018 The workshop on ‘Small-Scale Fisheries in the South’ held on 25th and 26th June 2018 in Brest France, was organized by the Ocean University Initiative, based at University of Brest (UBO), French National Research...read more
- TBTI at the Coastal Zone Canada Conference 2018: ‘Engagement and collaboration, examples from the field’
- ‘Food from the Sea’: Promoting small-scale fisheries sustainability in the Mediterranean
- Article: Working together in small-scale fisheries: harnessing collective action for poverty eradication
- Article: Identifying recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea through social media
- TBTI Digest, June 2018 Download TBTI Digest to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. We also encourage you [download]
- Book: Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean
- Article: Synergy as strategy: learning from La Restinga, Canary Islands Synergy as strategy: learning from La Restinga, Canary Islands Authors: José J. Pascual-Fernández, Raquel De La Cruz Modino, Ratana Chuenpagdee and Svein Jentoft As lessons from MPA implementation aroun...read more
- Article: Transforming the governance of small-scale fisheries Transforming the governance of small-scale fisheries Authors: Ratana Chuenpagdee and Svein Jentoft This synthesis paper recognizes the prevalence and importance of small-scale fisheries globally, ye...read more
- TBTI Digest, May 2018 Download TBTI Digest to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. We also encourage you [download]
- TBTI and GLORES: Partners in marine conservation efforts
- Workshop on Small-scale fisheries in the South, 25-26 June 2018 Plouzané, France Workshop on Small-scale fisheries in the South, 25-26 June 2018 Plouzané, France Université de Bretagne Occidentale and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, together with TBTI, a...read more
- ‘Picture Fishing’ – a crowd-sourcing research project Picture Fishing A failure to imagine or recognize fisheries diversity in many policy settings undercuts progressive development, protection and support for the global majority of fishers and fishworkers who rem...read more
- Mobilising adaptive capacity of SSF to multiple stressors: Insights from Ghana Mobilising adaptive capacity to multiple stressors: Insights from small-scale coastal fisheries in the Western Region of Ghana Authors: George Freduah (past TBTI student), Pedro Fidelman, P., and Tim F. Smith (TBTI memb...read more
- Bernard Owusu, TBTI Master’s student, successfully completed his studies February 2018 Bernard Owusu, TBTI Master's student, completed his thesis on 'Understanding the conflict between the oil and gas industries and small-scale fisheries in the western region of Ghana'. Bernard was study...read more
- GAF7 conference, October 18-21, Thailand GAF7 will be the seventh major conference organised by Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society. GAF conferences endeavour to explore the expanding horizons of gender dimension...read more
- TBTI Digest, February 2018 Download TBTI Digest to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. [download]
- Shannon Bower, TBTI PhD candidate successfully defends her thesis December 2017 Shannon Bower, TBTI PhD student, successfully defended her thesis on 'Advancing an integrated framework for assessment of emerging catch-and-release recreational fisheries in the developing world'. Shann...read more
- TBTI at the Cod – Building the Fishery of the Future Conference, Nov 28-29, 2017 With the Northern cod stock rebuilding, how does Newfoundland and Labrador create a competitive, sustainable and viable cod fishery for the future? Discussing this question was the goal of the Cod – Building the Fisher...read more
- Article: Salty stories, fresh spaces Salty stories, fresh spaces: Lessons for aquatic protected areas from marine and freshwater experiences Authors: Loury, E. K., Ainsley, S. M., Bower, S. D., Chuenpagdee, R., Farrell, T., Guthrie, A. G., He...read more
- Article: Ecological Impacts of Fishing Gears in Thailand: Knowledge and Gaps Ecological Impacts of Fishing Gears in Thailand: Knowledge and Gaps Authors: Wichin Suabpala, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Charoen Nitithamyong, and Thomasak Yeemin Around the world, knowledge about ecologica...read more
- Special call for abstracts: IFISH 5 The Fifth International Fishing Industry Safety & Health Conference (IFISH 5) Special call for abstracts - Fishing, Aquaculture, and Seafood Processing The IFISH 5 Scientific Commi...read more
- Article: Reconstructing governability: How fisheries are made governable Reconstructing governability: How fisheries are made governable Authors: Andrew M. Song (TBTI cluster coordinator), Jahn P. Johnsen (TBTI contributor) and Tiffany H. Morrison (TBTI contributor) This...read more
- The Fishing Boat Project The Fishing Boat Project The Global Fishing Boat Survey The Fishing Boat Project is a study about the characteristics and diversity of fishing boats around the world. As part of the this...read more
- 10 Things YOU can do to Protect our Oceans 10 Things YOU can do to Protect our Oceans GEOGRAPHY 6250 class 'Conservation and Sustainability of Natural Resources' This booklet was prepared by the Memorial University Geography 6250 class 'Conservation and Sus...read more
- TBTI at the Fogo Process 2067 Conference and Think Tank, October 19 -22, 2017 TBTI Director Dr. Ratana Chuenpgdee recently gave a talk on 'The Inshore Fishery: Too Big To Ignore!' at the Fogo Process 2067 - A Fogo Island Futures Community Development Conference and Think Tank. This event was part ...read more
- TBTI special sessions at the 70th Annual Conference GCFI Click for a complete program in English and Spanish. On November 10, Too Big To Ignore will hold three special sessions at the 70th Annual Conference GCFI in Mérida, Mexico. The special sessions are e...read more
- FAO Fellowship Programme The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is looking to fill a Fellow position as part of their Fellowship Programme: The Fellowship Programme is designed to attract fellows, typically Ph...read more
- Ocean literacy through transdisciplinarity TBTI post-doctoral fellow, Alicia Said, presented on 'Ocean literacy through transdisciplinarity: A roadmap to sustainability' at the 5th edition of the European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) that took p...read more
- Media News Release – “Sustainable Management of the Marine Environment, a Global Challenge” A recent news release by a local media outlet in Tenerife, Spain speaks about the conference 'Challenges for the Sustainable Use of the Marine Environment', held at the University of La Laguna on October 11, 20...read more
- TBTI activities at the MARE conference 2017 TBTI activities prior and during the MARE 'People and the Sea IX' Conference July 3-7, 2017; Amsterdam, The Netherlands This July, a number of TBTI members met in Amsterdam to attend the MARE 2017 conference ...read more
- Implementing the SSF Guidelines – “Now it’s time for policymakers to take concrete action” Recent article by FAO speaks about the urgency of implementing the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. The article also points to t...read more
- Reflections from the TBTI sessions at the MARE conference TBTI session at the MARE 'People and the Sea IX' Conference Dealing with Maritime Mobilities July 5-7, 2017; Amsterdam, The Netherlands The 9th People and the Sea conference explored the nature of mariti...read more
- Book: Social wellbeing and the values of small-scale fisheries ...read more
- TBTI Digest, August 2017 Download TBTI Digest - August to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. English ...read more
- TBTI course on transdisciplinary research held in Thailand, August 2017 TBTI course on transdisciplinary research Transdisciplinary Policy and Practices for Natural Resource Sustainability Banpu Resort, Trat province, Thailand July 31 - August 3, 2017 . . ...read more
- TBTI book on the SSF Guidelines launched in Mexico City, Aug 9, 2017 Sustainable artisanal fishing in Mexico: More food and less poverty Mexico City, August 9, 2017 . . The 9th of August was a remarkable date for promoting sustainable artisanal fishing in Mexico . [caption id=...read more
- The SSF Guidelines translated into Japanese Over centuries, there has been a great number of people working in small-scale fisheries sector in Japan, who supported Japanese fisheries and fishing communities. This is still true today. However, there has also been a...read more
- TBTI Digest, July 2017 Download TBTI Digest - July to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. English Save ...read more
- Article: The global information system on small-scale fisheries (ISSF) – A crowdsourced knowledge platform Authors: Ratana Chuenpagdee, Delphine Rocklin, David Bishop, Matthew Hynes, Randal Greene, Miguel R. Lorenzi and Rodolphe Devillers Marine Policy, Volume 101, March 2019, Pages 158-166 UPDATE: Anyone clicking on THIS...read more
- COBI at the Our Oceans, Our Future conference, June 5-9, 2017 Our Oceans, Our Future Partnering for the implementation of sustainable developments goal 14 Ocean Conference JUNE 5-9, 2017 . We, as Civil Society Organization, were honored to represent Mexico at the Ocea...read more
- TBTI Digest, June 2017 Download TBTI Digest - June to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. English ...read more
- Highlights from the side event on SSF at the UN Ocean Conference, June 6 . Joining forces for sustainable small-scale fisheries through a human rights-based approach to ocean conservation . . During the Ocean Conference in New York on SDG14 TBTI partnered with the representat...read more
- FAO Family Farming Knowledge Platform marks two years since inception During the 2014 International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), FAO and various partners and stakeholders expressed the need to go beyond the celebrations and to put in place a set of concrete actions aimed at addressing is...read more
- International Course on the SSF Guidelines Submit an application for the International Course: “Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainable fisheries in the context of Central American indigenous communities” . Deadline: July 20th, 2017 . This face-to-fa...read more
- Submit an abstract for IMBeR IMBIZO 5 before June 15 . The final deadline to submit an abstract for IMBeR´s fifth IMBIZO, which will be held in Woods Hole, MA, USA in October, is rapidly approaching. . The overall theme of the conference i...read more
- WFF and WFFP Statement on the SDGs and the UN’s Ocean Conference . English We call upon the UN member-states to work with the small-scale fisher peoples movements towards the implementation of the International Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries (SSF gu...read more
- Article: How subsidies affect the economic viability of small-scale fisheries Authors: Anna Schuhbauer, Ratana Chuenpagdee, William W.L. Cheung, Krista Greer, and U. Rashid Sumaila Marine Policy: Volume 82, August 2017, Pages 114–121 An important article presenting the first bottom-up analysis...read more
- TBTI Digest, May 2017 Download TBTI Digest - May to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. English [button li...read more
- TBTI at the ICES/PICES Symposium, March 2017 . . Written by Dr. Manuel Muntoni, member and former TBTI Senior Research Fellow . This March TBTI participated at the ICES/PICES Symposium on ‘Drivers of dynamics of small pelagic fish resources’ held in Vi...read more
- Article: Small-scale fisheries within maritime spatial planning Small-scale fisheries within maritime spatial planning: knowledge integration and power . Author: Svein Jentoft. As competition for space and resources intensifies, turning the coast into an area of social and p...read more
- Article: Comments on FAOs State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA 2016) Comments on FAOs State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA 2016) . . Author: Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller (Sea Around Us) . The paper provides comments on several points in the 2016 State of the Wo...read more
- Report: The Symposium on European Small-Scale Fisheries and Global Linkages . The Symposium on European Small-Scale Fisheries and Global Linkages took place between June 29 – July 1, 2016 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. In total, 80 people attended this event in order to share and discus...read more
- Book: The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation . S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, M. J. Barragán-Paladines and N. Franz (Eds.) . MARE publication series 14 . . In June 2014, FAO member-s...read more
- Join the discussion on SSF and SDG14 in preparation for Ocean Conference SSF have been mostly ignored in SDG, except under Target 14b: "Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets". We have an opportunity to make sure that this topic (access to resource...read more
- TBTI Digest, March 2017 Download TBTI Digest - March 2017 to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. [button link="http://toobigtoignore.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Digest_March_Final.pdf" window="window" size="x...read more
- Article: Sustaining ‘life below water and on land’, March 2017 Author: Prateep Nayak Title: Sustaining ‘life below water and on land’ through collaboration, stewardship and reciprocity: Lessons from dolphins, seagulls and fishermen TBTI member Prateep Nayak wrote a shor...read more
- Letter: Poor fisheries struggle with U.S. import rule, March 2017 A group of researchers, including several TBTI members, wrote a letter regarding the recent U.S. import rule requiring that seafood imported into the U.S. must come from fisheries that comply with the Marin...read more
- Special Issue: Fisheries and Food Systems: Cross pollinations and synthesis, Aug. 2016 Fisheries and Food Systems: Cross pollinations and synthesis . Edited by: Ratana Chuenpagdee, Philip Loring, and Moenieba Isaacs . This special issue explores the importance of small-scale fisheries to food syst...read more
- Article: Small-Scale Fisheries versus Whale-Watching Tourism: The Story of Puerto López The Ecuadorian coast with fishing boats, Puerto López Author: María José Barragán Paladines Arcadia*, Spring 2017, no. 3 ...read more
- Article: Grand Challenges in the Management and Conservation of North American Inland Fishes and Fisheries Authors: Abigail J. Lynch, Steven J. Cooke, T. Douglas Beard Jr., Yu-Chun Kao, Kai Lorenzen, Andrew M. Song, Micheal S. Allen, Zeenatul Basher, David B. Bunnell, Edward V. Camp, Ian G. Cowx, Jonathan A. Freedman, Vivian...read more
- TBTI Digest, February 2017 Download TBTI Digest - February 2017 to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. [button link="http://toobigtoignore.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Digest_Feb_Final.pdf" window="window" size="...read more
- TBTI PhD student successfully defends her thesis February 2017 Anna Schuhbauer, TBTI PhD student, successfully defended her thesis on 'Economic viability of small-scale fisheries'. Anna studies at the University of British Columbia, Canada under the supervision of D...read more
- Vital Fisheries – setting pathways for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in Brazil Vital Fisheries - Setting pathways for the implementation of International Guidelines for Small-Scale Fisheries in Brazil is a final report of the National Seminar on Capacity-building for the Implementation of the Volun...read more
- Dr. Rashid Sumaila wins Benchley Ocean Award for Excellence in Science Congradulations to UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries professor, and TBTI Cluster Coordinator, Dr. Ussif Rashid Sumaila for winning a prestigious Peter Benchley Ocean Award, in recognition for his work on su...read more
- Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller win Ocean Award Congratulations to the Sea Around Us leading team, Dr. Daniel Pauly and Dr. Dirk Zeller, who have just received the Ocean Award in the Science category for their contributions to marine conservation and ocean health ...read more
- Crowd Sourcing Small-Scale Fisheries Data: A Global Initiative On Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 at 6 PM UTC, TBTI members Rodolphe Devillers & David Bishop will be discussing the Information System on Small-Scale Fisheries (ISSF) during a webinar hosted by EBM Tools Network....read more
- TBTI Digest, December 2016 Download TBTI Digest - December 2016 to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. [button link="http://toobigtoignore.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Digest_December_Final.pdf" window="window" s...read more
- Report: Symposium on small-scale fisheries in Asia-Pacific and beyond The Symposium on Small-Scale Fisheries in Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond took place between 6-9th of August 2016 in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand. The symposium focused on aspects of small-scale fisheries that are rele...read more
- Report: Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: What’s in it for Newfoundland and Labrador? Synergy Session . On April 22nd, 2016 the Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development and the Too Big To Ignore project hosted a synergy session ‘Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: What’s in it for Newfoundl...read more
- Report: Stewardship in Small-Scale Fisheries Workshop The ‘Stewardship in Small-Scale Fisheries' workshop took place on July 29-30, 2016 in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. The workshop was organized by the SSF Stewardship research cluster of the Too Big To Ignore proj...read more
- Special Issue: Enhancing Stewardship in Latin America and Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries Enhancing Stewardship in Latin America and Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries Edited by: Maria A. Gasalla and Fabio de Castro Built on the outcomes from the TBTI workshop in Curitiba, Brazil (august 2013), and the 2nd W...read more
- Article: Transboundary research in fisheries Marine Policy 76, 8-18; Open Access . This TBTI-supported publication explores boundaries in world's fisheries and opens up discussions for a more nuanced boundary application that can better cope with multi-lev...read more
- TBTI Digest, November 2016 Download TBTI Digest - November 2016 to learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. TBTI Digest is now available in 4 different languages! [button link="http://toobigtoignore.net/wp-cont...read more
- TBTI at the symposium on restoring Canada’s fisheries On October 26, 2016 Too Big To Ignore took part in Oceana Canada’s science symposium, Rebuilding Abundance: Restoring Canada’s Fisheries for Long-Term Prosperity. The event brought together Can...read more
- Article: A Bottom-Up Understanding of IUU Fishing in Lake Victoria Authors: Joseph Luomba, Ratana Chuenpagdee, and Andrew M. Song Joseph Luomba, a former TBTI student, together with TBTI Project Director Ratana Chuenpagdee, and TBTI cluster coordinator Andrew M. Song ...read more
- Photo E-book: The meaning of small – Diverse values of SSF Call for contributions The meaning of small: Diverse values of small-scale fisheries A photo e-book to portray the different meaning and importance of small-scale fisheries around the world TBTI is calling f...read more
- E-book: SSF Small-Scale Fisheries Profiles Since its launch in September 2014, TBTI's Information System on Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF) has been the world's largest and most diverse small-scale fisheries online database. In 2015, TBTI launched one ...read more
- Call for contribution: Global changes in small-scale fisheries Global changes in small-scale fisheries In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness about global changes. Both ecosystems and human communities are changing, as a result of a wide spectrum of environmenta...read more
- Discussion on freshwater fish conservation, food security, and livelihoods at IUCN 2016 Freshwater Fish Conservation, Food Security, and Livelihoods - Identifying Win-Win-Win Scenarios When considering ecosystems, the services they provide, and how they are exploited [or degraded] by society, it i...read more
- Article: Fishing for the future: An overview of challenges and opportunities Authors: U. Rashid Sumaila, Christophe Bellmann and Alice Tipping TBTI 'Economic viability' cluster coordinator Rashid Sumaila and his colleagues have recently published a paper 'Fishing for the future: An overview o...read more
- TBTI held a Symposium on SSF in Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond, August 2016 TBTI held a three-day Symposium on Small-Scale Fisheries in Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand on August 7-9, 2016. The symposium attracted the participation of more than 30 practitione...read more
- TBTI at the 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, August 2016 As part of the 11th annual ASEAN Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference and Exposition held in Bangkok, Thailand from August 4-6, 2016 TBTI chaired two special sessions. The governance session, titled, Current Go...read more
- Sign up for a new cluster on SSF Rights Are you interested in questions such as 'What kind or rights exist in SSF?, What factors have direct or indirect effects on SSF rights? Or in issues of human rights-based approach and rights-based systems in SSF? If you ...read more
- New book: Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries A critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts edited by Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller The Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries is the first and only book to provide accurate, countr...read more
- TBTI workshop on Stewardship in small-scale fisheries held on July 29-30 in St. John’s, Canada On 29‐30 July, prior to the 2016 International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4), TBTI held a workshop on “Stewardship in small-scale fisheries” in St. John's, Canada. Organized as part of the SSF ...read more
- Discussion on SSF Guidelines implementation at COFI 32, July 2016 Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines implementation: Where are we now? The SSF Guidelines are a powerful tool to strengthen SSF governance and development and concerted efforts are needed to ensure implementation of the S...read more
- TBTI @ IMCC4, August 2016 I. TBTI session on 'Conservation and stewardship in small-scale fisheries: Practices and lessons from around the world' On July 28th and 29th 2016, Leading up to the International Marine Conservation...read more
- Call for Abstracts: Symposium on climate change, agriculture, fisheries and food security in Africa; Pemba, 24-25 October 2016 Climate variability and extreme events have been affecting African countries in a variety of ways. Increases in temperature, erratic and erosive rainfall and soil erosion are leading to damages to ecosystems and its ...read more
- ISSF – Call for contributions Have you had an interesting experience with small-scale fisheries lately? Have a case study that you or your team worked on based on small-scale fisheries? What does your small-scale fishery need for capacity...read more
- Small-Scale Fisheries of the World – State of the Art in Small-Scale Fisheries Volume 2: State of the Art in Small-Scale Fisheries State of the Art in Small-Scale Fisheries presents a synthesized, up-to-date knowledge about SSF around the world. The bibliographic summary is...read more
- The TBTI Symposium on European SSF and Global Linkage held in Tenerife, Spain . The TBTI Symposium on European Small-Scale Fisheries and Global Linkages was held on June 29 -July 1, 2016 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. The three-day symposium was jointly organized by TBTI, the Institute of S...read more
- National workshop on capacity-building for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines held in Brazil, June 13-17, 2016 From June 13 to 17, 2016, approximately 40 fishers, leaders, civil society organizations’ representative, and researchers met in Brasília, Brazil, to engage with capacity-building and advocacy demands of fishers...read more
- TBTI participated at the 7th World Fisheries Congress, Busan, May 2016 Members of TBTI participated at the 7th World Fisheries Congress held in Busan, South Korea, 23-27 May, 2016. This congress series is arguably the biggest and most comprehensive academic meeting on fisheries, and this ye...read more
- Stewardship in small-scale fisheries: Practices and lessons from around the world Workshop announcement and call for contributions on peer-reviewed synthesis paper & journal special issue publication 29-30 July, 2016, St. John’s, NL, Canada On 29‐30 July TBTI will hold a works...read more
- We of the Sea: a new TBTI publication series We of the Sea is a TBTI publication series that present stories and experiences of small-scale fishing people, communities and organizations, told in their own voices using their own expression and images. Through the...read more
- Placing Fisheries at the 2016 AAG Annual Meeting From March 29th to April 2nd, 2016 thousands of geographers from across the world gathered in San Francisco to take part in the bustling annual meeting of American Association of Geographers (AAG). With over 1000 panels,...read more
- ISSF Update – SSF Profile Report and Image Uploading Image uploading: ISSF now allows users to include a photo when they create an SSF Profile which lets users see what the area looks like. Images can be added to SSF Profiles simply by copy and pasting the image URL into...read more
- Transdisciplinary Course Development Workshop held in Mexico, March 2016 “The sea no longer has resources for all, we are too many people…” “…we are catching more than we should”. This statement was heard by fishermen from San Felipe, a small fishing village on the Yucata...read more
- Synergy session on implementation of the SSF Guidelines in Newfoundland and Labrador Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: What’s in it for Newfoundland and Labrador? Friday, April 22, 2016, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm McCann Centre (ED 2030B), St. John’s Campus of Memorial...read more
- This June, join us at the TBTI Symposium in Europe TBTI Symposium on European Small-Scale Fisheries and Global Linkages June 29-July 1, 2016, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain Announcement and Call for Abstracts Para informaciones en esp...read more
- TBTI Symposium on Small-scale Fisheries in Europe and Global Linkages We are pleased to announce 'TBTI Symposium on Small-scale Fisheries in Europe and Global Linkages' that will be held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, from June 29-July 1, 2016. The purpose of the symposiu...read more
- TBTI Digest – August 2023 Learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. To sign up to TBTI Digest, CLICK HERE. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. ...read more
- TBTI Digest – July 2023 Learn about the recent project’s activities and outputs. If you have any news or feedback you would like to share with us, send us an email to toobigtoignore@mun.ca. Be sure to browse o...read more